Jameson Original Irish Whiskey 1.5ltr
Jameson Irish whiskey is created in a unique way compared to American and Scottish whisky. Jameson distil their whisky not once, like the Americans, not twice, which is the Scottish way but three times giving it the smoothest texture out of them all.
It is a perfectly balanced whisky with the malted barley and un-malted barley being measured to perfection so one doesn't over power the other. They also balance the pot still whiskeys to perfectly complement the delicate grain whiskey that they use. Finally they balance the flavour of the whiskey, this is perfected by the casks used during maturing. They balance the nutty flavours from the sherry with the fragrant vanilla flavours from the bourbon casks used, all resulting in the perfect balance for a whiskey.
Jameson, Ginger & Lime - A simple whiskey drink, it's a thirst quencher that couldn't be easier to make: 50ml of Jameson Irish Whiskey, ginger ale to taste and wedge of lime. Mix in a highball glass, give the lime a squeeze and drop it into the glass.
Product Details
Size |
1.5ltr |
Strength (ABV) |
40% |
Brand |
Jameson |
Presentation |
Bottle |
Country |
Ireland |
Type |
Whiskey |
Flavour |
Nut & Vanilla |

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